On The Ponty End has moved

On the 28th March 2009, this site moved to it's own dedicated URL, OnThePontyEnd.com

For those readers who have subscribed to my feeds via Email, there may be some effects to updates you receive. Please re-subscribe to Feedburner using the panel on the right hand side of the page. This should ensure that daily updates continue to be delivered to you.

Alternatively, if you're using a feed reader, all new links can be found HERE

Since the BlogSpot URL continues to work, everybody who has the BlogSpot URL bookmarked can continue to access the blog, transparently.

Thanks to everyone who has been supporting this blog. Working on a dedicated domain allows me to make some exciting changes to how On The Ponty End functions. Hopefully in the not too distant future, I will be able to make some further announcement on a service available through this site for fans of Barnsley Football Club.

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