Barnsley FC inspire lawncare

Maybe like a lot of other fans at the moment, regular away support can't always be justified, due to it's cost at present. That's my predicament at the moment.

I suppose that's why days - just like today become even harder. Two minutes left to a glorious three points and unfortunately the Reds become unstuck once more due to a late equaliser. Elsewhere at the City Ground, Forest beat an impressive Bristol City.

Whilst not lost for words, I could only do one thing and that was to take close attention to my lawn; which after a few hours of applied graft is now likely to qualify for staging at least one test of the Ashes series.

On reflection now, how do I feel?

Still nervous, Murphy's law is still operating. Frustrated at times - but still have an unswathing faith that the right outcome will be arrived at. Happier times will be ahead. Providing I can get rid of those persistent broad leaf weeds.

Oh, and on my beloved Barnsley Football Club. It's just as we were. Every game is a cup-tie and they always have been. I just hope from a mathematical point of view, we can ensure that we're bringing woes upon everybody else come Monday.

Swansea's play-off dream could spark or die at Oakwell.. and anyway, I can't justify the petrol being used again on a lawn that gave me so much therapy on Saturday.

Come on you Reds!

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