On The Ponty End.com | The Podcast: Episode 8

So, Barnsley are off to a flying start in pre-season. Have Reds fans just seen the signs that green shoots are indeed growing from the former Academy?

A good turn out of fans saw Barnsley record a satisfying win at Oakwell versus a creditable Ferencvaros. Simon Davey and the squad have made progress to some extent already, given wins have been hard to find in earlier pre-seasons.

Transfer activity is limited, perhaps the next few weeks will reveal exactly what we we will get in store for the 2009-2010 season, but there are promising signs in some respects.

Are you on Twitter? Do you have any Transfer Rumours to share? Go to our special page on Twibes to publish your Barnsley Transfer Rumours

We have our further Episode of the Podcast ready for your listening pleasure, don't forget to get involved and tell your mates. We hope you enjoy it.

In this episode we have a good old chin-wag about the latest home match against Ferencvaros. We also introduce a new feature to test the wits of Barnsley's Human version of Google and thirdly we've got a competition for all of our listeners with an incentive too for you to pop in to the home of the Podcast, The Full House.

Click the play button* below to listen to the latest episode right now

Click HERE > and provide us with your comments either on this episode or to submit your views on events at Barnsley Football Club - as you see things. Get something over now, we would love to give you a voice in the next Episode.

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