On The Ponty End Readers | A message from the Football Supporters’ Federation:

The Football Supporters’ Federation is now offering free membership to all fans from across the UK and beyond. We’re offering free membership because we’re geared to creating a larger, more vocal campaigning force for fans of all clubs up and down the country. If you’re worried about the direction the game is heading, whether it’s the way that fans are policed week-in, week-out, ticket prices being prohibitively expensive or club ownership issues, then join our existing 140,000+ individual and affiliate members and stand up for fan interests.

There has never been a more important time to ensure your voice is heard, and it’s never been easier to get involved. All you need to do to become a member is give us your name and email address – it’s that simple.


All newly joining members are entitled to a free issue of The Football Supporter magazine delivered straight to your door, absolutely free of charge, as well as receiving a £5 discount from TOFFS, the UK’s largest retailer of retro football shirts, just as our thank-you to you for getting involved. You can use the code as many times as you like between now and the end of the year, too. You can’t say fairer than that, surely?

Everyone who signs up before 31st August will also be entered into a free prize draw to win a retro shirt of their choice, so you’ve really got nothing to lose.

These are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of deals and offers that you’ll receive as an FSF member, but we know that you’re not in it for the freebies, but because you’re interested in the issues which concern fans, and want to make sure that someone is looking out for you and your interests – remember the ‘No to Gam£ 39’ campaign from 2008, or the Stoke fans who won compensation from the police after they illegally served them with Section 27 notices earlier this year? The FSF are instrumental in fighting for fans’ interests in these, and other campaigns - LINK >

Get involved today – visit and give us 30 seconds of your time, and become part of something. Feel free to pass this on to family, friends, colleagues or other messageboards, blogs or email lists.

If you’ve got any questions at all about free membership, or anything the FSF get up to, then get in touch with us – leave a message below, or email us HERE >

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