Contraversial: Maybe?

Give the fans a voice and they will use it. Or will they?

Nobody supporting the Reds would necessarily go about undermining or ridiculing the football club they love, but consistency has to be the key. Surely?

Whilst there was absolute division in opinion on Mr. Davey, most Reds fans stuck to a line - support him or sack him. However, it appears disconcerting that when given the privelege to do so, certain aspects of those reporting on Barnsley FC choose to praise but also chastise very quickly.

In respect to SD, the post advised, "Incredibly some fans were already calling for his head after 45 minutes of the season. Give the man a chance – lets judge him after he has made the signings he wants to and can field his strongest side".

To be told this week, "It has also been a refreshing change to listen to Mark’s post match interviews and feel like you’ve been to the same game as him. Not only does he give credit where it is due, but he’s not afraid to criticise if he feels it necessary. This is in stark contrast to Simon Davey who would often speak in bland cliches and rarely reveal anything insightful (which ultimately contributed to his lack of rapport with supporters)".

Make your mind up, it may be a cliche - but "Rome wasn't built in a day", neither was any fan's opinion.

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  1. I have to say about the whole SD thing that we the fans gave SD several seasons to turn the team around and stuck with them through loss after loss...
    Only so many matches we stand to watch before starting to think something is amiss...
    SD he got us to Wembley and helped us beat Liverpool and Chelsea...
    I said to start with SD should have concentrated on the league matches instead of the cup ones, That was his downfall...
    I welcome Mark Robins to Barnsley with open arms and give him a chance to prove himself those who judge so soon aren't true fans i wish him all the luck in the world to turn our team around...
    Will be cheering come win or lose, after all Im a Tyke through and through =D

  2. Is it fair to compare like versus like against the fans "incredible" judgement?


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